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【小站原创】官方真题Official37托福综合口语真题文本及答案解析2017年06月12日16:12 来源:小站教育作者:小站托福编辑参与(1)阅读(15650)摘要:在托福口语备考中,我们应该选用怎样的备考材料呢?而官方真题Official往往是考生备考托福最常用的资料。那么,在以下内容中,我们就为大家带来托福官方真题Official37托福综合口语真题文本及答案解析,希望能为大家的托福备考带来帮助。


官方真题Official 37 S3

Room Phones Are Unnecessary

As part of the cost of student housing, students play to have phones in their dormitory rooms. I think this is unnecessary, and the university should remove the phones from student's rooms. Room phones are not needed since students all have phones we can use to make calls instead. Removing the room phones would also have a cost benefit for students, since we would save money if we didn't have to pay the cost of phone service for the rooms.

The woman express her opinion about the proposal described in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds

Response Time: 60 seconds


In the letter it is proposed that the phone in students’ rooms should be removed. First reason is students now all have their own phones so the room phones are unnecessary. Second reason is if school stops the phone service, students will no longer need to pay the phone fees so they will save some money. But the woman thinks it is not a good idea. On the one hand, she thinks students’ phones are not reliable all the time. Sometimes the signals will be cut off or the reception will be bad. So room phones are necessary for students as a backup option. On the other hand, she points that students only need to pay when they use room phones. If they don’t use the room phone, they need to pay nothing. So most of them only need to pay little money on this service.


